Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Information-- Hurricane Katrina

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has established an account for funds to assist areas struck by Hurricane Katrina. If you would like to contribute financially, you may make contributions to your church, which in turn may send the contribution, marked Katrina Relief # DR000169, to the Presbytery office, and it will then be sent to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. You may check the website ( for more details of relief efforts.

Disaster Contacts: Please make an appeal to your congregations for people interested in joining a Presbytery relief team (or teams) to assist in clean up or rebuilding efforts. Please send names and contact phone numbers to Connie at the Presbytery Office ( by September 10. This is an appeal for those interested, understanding that as plans take shape, not everyone interested in going will be able to participate. So, if there is any level of interest, please include them in the list to be contacted. Plans will be made in coordination with Presbyterian Disaster Relief, which has plans to organize the teams and match teams to where the needs are the greatest.

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